Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WOIA) is an employment and training program funded by the U.S. Department of Labor to help Eligible Adults access the tools they need to manage their careers through information and high-quality services, and to help U.S. companies find skilled workers. The New Hampshire Community Action Agencies are key partners in delivering state-wide employment and training services.
Since the implementation of WIOA in 2000, Southern NH Services (SNHS) has been awarded the role as the WIOA Program Administrator responsible for the service delivery and performance outcomes of the WIOA Adult Program for the state of New Hampshire by the Department of Business and Economic Affairs - Office of Workforce Opportunity.
The partners of NH Works are Equal Opportunity Employers and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request.
Flexible and Diverse
On the Job Training
Upgrade Your Skills
About Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
Eligibility Requirements
Include any of the following:
- Single parent,
- individual with disabilities,
- limited or no post-secondary training,
- unemployed for 12+ months,
- veteran,
- received TANF, SNAP or other form of public assistance within the last 6 months,
- older individuals that are 55+,
- directly or indirectly impacted by substance use disorder,
- low income,
- English language learner,
- reading or math levels that are at or below a 9th grade level.
Fast Facts
WIOA services are flexible, diverse, and based on individual customer choice. WIOA Career Navigators may provide the following services at no cost to you:
- Tuition assistance available to help participants access in-demand training programs that lead to industry recognized credentials.
- Helps build a meaningful career that will pay a livable wage.
- Employment Strategies and Career Planning, including career interest assessment, information on high demand occupations, and job placement follow-up services.
- Educational Services and Skills Upgrading in areas such as ESOL, HiSet preparation, basic reading, math, and computer literacy.
- Occupational Skills Training: Earn a credential in one of over 800 training programs.
- On-the-Job Training: Participants “earn while you learn” new job skills with an employer.
- Support Services to purchase work tools, uniforms, mileage, car repairs, utility payments, child care fees, and more.
- Job Search Services and Job Readiness Activities, including development of interviewing skills and a resume.
For more information or to apply Email or call
(603) 647-4470 Ext. 8047
WIOA services are available statewide, in all 12 NH Works offices
- Berlin
- Claremont
- Concord
- Conway
- Keene
- Laconia
- Littleton
- Manchester
- Nashua
- Portsmouth
- Salem
- Somersworth
NH Works locations are open:
Monday through Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm.
The WIOA Adult Program is supported by the U.S. Department of Labor as part of an award totaling $2,531,459.00 with $0 (0%) state, local and/or non-governmental funds.
Community Action Program, Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc. is an equal opportunity employer/program.
Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request.
TDD/TTY Access: RELAY NH (800) 735-2964