Concord Area Transit
Concord Area Transit is the public transportation bus system for the city of Concord and into Penacook. The service has three routes: Crosstown, Heights and Penacook routes which cover most of the city. All buses are ADA accessible and open to the general public, no registration is required.
All three routes meet up in downtown Concord throughout the day for transfers to the other routes. To catch the bus, wait at one of the many bus stops in the city or, if preferred, we also offer free Travel Training service for individuals or groups.
Notice of Opportunity for Public Hearing
Community Action Program, BMC, Inc. (CAPBM) gives notice that pursuant to 49 U.S.C. Sections 5311, Non-urbanized Area Formula Funds, the opportunity is offered for a public hearing on a proposed Public Transit Program in Belknap and Merrimack Counties, New Hampshire. Said project consists of the continued operating, capital assistance for Concord Area Transit (CAT) scheduled public transit service in Concord NH and Travel Training in the above areas. Persons desiring a hearing to be held should submit written requests to Terri Paige, Transportation Director, Community Action Program Belknap-Merrimack Counties, Inc., P.O. Box 1016, Concord, NH 03302-1016. All requests must be received by April 1, 2025. Upon receipt of a request, a date will be scheduled and a notice of hearing will be published. A copy of the proposals may be seen at the Director’s office upon request. Persons desiring to make written comments should forward them to the above address by April 1, 2025. These projects will be administered according to the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related statues to ensure nondiscrimination.
Weekdays Only
Fare Free
Concord & Penacook
About Concord Area Transit
Fast Facts
- Schedules are available on our website, at each bus shelter, throughout the city, or by calling (603) 225-1989.
- Service is available Monday – Friday 6am – 6:30 pm.
- Plan your trip online at using Google Maps.
- Office hours: 8 am-5:00 pm.
Please contact Customer Service by phone at (603) 225-1989 to schedule a trip or for more information.